Kuan Yin Apothecary Skin Conditions in TCM, Acne TCM

Skin Conditions in TCM

In Chinese Medicine, the skin can tell us 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡.

The tone and color may be pale, swollen, or red. The texture may be dull, lustrous, or dry. There may be deep lines or shallow ones.

The skin tells a story of what is happening within the internal organs of the body. When there is an imbalance it will eventually show up on the skin.

In Classical Chinese Medicine texts the transition from summer to autumn means moving our focus to the lungs and their corresponding tissue, the skin. This is the time of year when skin conditions can begin to surface. This is partly due to the potential of latent pathogens in the body and/or the body not being able to remove things through the bowels. When things get stuck, this can be due to many factors.

If you have ever gone to a Chinese Medicine doctor, we always ask our patients about their bowel movements. This is especially important when a patient comes in with a skin condition. This connection is rooted in the internal and external connection between the large intestine and lungs.

These two organs are part of the metal element and work together to take the breath of life in and release out what is not serving us. When this process is not harmonious, the two organs work with each other to try to return to balance.

This is seen in the holding on in the bowels which we known as constipation. Bowel movements are one of the body’s main avenues for the removal of what no longer serves us, this includes everything from food to emotions. Think for a moment when you are anxious about something, what happens to your bowels? They change, for some they become very loose, and for others, they become blocked. Think about how your breath changes, you may hold your breath or take quick shallow breaths.

In harmony, the bowels move smoothly, daily, and the breath moves smoothly in full inhales and exhales.

When the bowels aren’t moving smoothly, the body looks for an alternative avenue for toxin removal which becomes the skin, the lungs corresponding tissue.

Skin conditions are the body’s way of letting you know that imbalance is present. One area in which an imbalance is likely present is within the large intestines. The body’s main pathway of toxin removal.

That is why, when seeking treatments for skin conditions it’s important to consider both internal and external support. This allows the internal imbalance to be addressed along with the symptoms experienced on the skin such as dryness, itching, burning, and pustules.

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