Supporting Menopause with Chinese Medicine, TCM menopause

Supporting Menopause with Chinese Medicine.

Menopause is a normal stage of a woman’s life, it is the process of having completed cessation of menstruation, and it is usually diagnosed when menstruation has not occurred for a year.

During menopause, some associated symptoms may be present with the following: dryness of the vagina, atrophy of the vagina, hot flashes, dry mouth, night sweats, dry eyes, blurry vision, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, and anxiety.

In Chinese medicine, these symptoms can be found with the Chinese medicine diagnosis of menopausal syndrome. The underlying root cause of these symptoms may be due to several TCM differential patterns. The most common patterns are yin-type deficiency patterns (kidney and/or liver, or heart & kidney) with deficiency heat, empty heat, or liver yang rising. One common symptom across those root cause patterns is vaginal dryness, sometimes accompanied with itching and a burning hot sensation in the vagina.

Chinese medicine is used to help alleviate associated symptoms of a TCM syndrome, using acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Chinese herbs can be used internally and/or externally for topical use. In our topical Meno-Wash™, we have formulated a proprietary blend of Chinese herbs that support the relief of vaginal dryness by helping to moisturize the vagina, helping to astringe any abnormal leakage of fluids (Jing), providing relief of itching, and reducing redness with or without heat sensation.

For more detailed description on our Meno-Wash product, click here.

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