Kuan Yin Apothecary Herbal Corner: Ze Lan

Herbal Corner: Ze Lan

Ze Lan | Herba Lycopi | BugleweedProperties: bitter, acrid slightly warm

Channels entered: liver, spleen

Bungleweed also known as Ze Lan is found in our Yoni Steam. Ze Lan is powerful in its ability to invigorate blood. The main constituents found in Bugleweed are tannins and flavonoids. The tannins have a sedative action that helps soothe the heart. This action is supported in Chinese Medicine literature as Ze Lan is said to enter the blood aspect of the liver channel. Liver blood plays a critical role in menstruation, gestation, and emotions. The flavonoids assist in circulation and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Our Yoni Steam works with several meridians and organ systems that are associated with gynecological support. When we think about the menstrual cycle in Chinese Medicine there are a few main foundational notes to look at as it relates to this herb:

  • Spleen for producing blood within the heart

  • Liver stores the blood, disturbing it, and assisting in the soothing flow of emotions (think PMS). 

These key organs and meridian cycles are both related to the blood, so our Yoni Steam is designed to work with each of them, respectively. I will note, that this is a snapshot of one key aspect, there are other organs and meridians we consider but are not part of this blog topic.

Back to Ze Lan, as mentioned enters the spleen and liver channels, its aroma has a soothing effect on the heart, helping to calm the emotions. This happens through the opening of the liver. On a scientific level - the olfactory nerves that are connected to the olfactory bulb in the nose send signals to different parts of the brain. One key area is the limbic system. This area of the brain is involved in memory and emotions.

When preparing the herbs for steaming, you visually see the beautiful flowers, seeds, and twigs. As the steam is boiling or decocting, the aroma creates a peaceful and safe feeling through the smell of the herbs and the steam flows into the vaginal canal melting and softening you.

Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi says that ze lan “nourishes the blood and qi, breaks up retained blood, reduces mobile and fixed abdominal masses, and all disorders surrounding the birth process… reduces blood stasis due to traumatic injury.” Making this herb a wonderful ally in post-birth, lost gestation, and post-menstruation.

Ze Lan has also been shown to work with the thyroid, which we know plays a role in hormonal shifts. It is unclear if the aroma of this herb can activate the brain in a way to affect the thyroid but at the very least it can assist the body in getting to a more peaceful state which all women know is a key component in smooth hormonal function.



Bensky, Materia Medica, 3rd edition.



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