Kuan Yin Apothecary Herbal Corner: Shi Gao

Herbal Corner: Shi Gao

Shi Gao | Gypsum fibrosum

Properties: sweet, acrid, and very cold enters the lungs and stomach.

Shi Gao is best known for its ability to clear heat and drain fire.

Commentary on the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of Materia Medica:

“The acrid flavor of Gypsum fibrosum (shi gao) can release the muscle layer, its sweetness can moderate heat, its great coldness side by side with these sweet and acrid properties means that it can expel intense heat.”

Shi Gao is a key herb in both of our skin washes for its unique ability to assist the body in the healing of skin problems such as eczema, ulcerated sores, and wounds. This herb not only helps to release the heat associated with skin conditions it also can nourish the body fluids which we can see from the main constituent.

The main constituent in this mineral is CaS04, calcium sulfate. This mineral is known for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

This constituent has the ability to improve the expression of aquaporin-3 (AQP3) which is important when it comes to the treatment of skin conditions. AQP3 is known as the water-clamp viable layers of the epidermis. These layers help to improve the hydration of the epidermis below the stratum corneum layer of the skin.

In a study published in the National Library of Medicine, NIH, it is noted that there is an “increased expression and altered cellular distribution of AQP3 is found in atopic eczema, and this may contribute to water loss.”

This herb’s ability to directly affect the skin’s ability to hold water or moisture means when it is used topically for relief of symptoms present with atopic eczema not only is the herb assisting in clearing the heat or burning sensation it can also help bring moisture back to the skin.

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