Kuan Yin Apothecary Herbal Corner: Di Fu Zi

Herbal Corner: Di Fu Zi

The Chinese herb Di Fui Zi, also known as Fructus Kochiae is a medicinal herb with sweet, bitter, and cold properties. Di Fu Zi properties enter the Bladder and Kidney channels of the body, clearing damp-heat, promoting urination, and alleviating itching. It helps resolve dampness and clear heat internally by promoting and facilitating urination. Di Fu Zi acts as a diuretic and is often used externally as a topical wash for itching. Di Fu Zi alleviates that itching by dispersing pathogenic wind in the muscle layer of the skin due to damp-heat. This herb works synergistically with Ku Shen and She Chuang Zi (the herbs from our previous herbal highlights), to help strengthen the overall function of both our topical yoni washes.

Many women seek relief from the uncomfortable itching that is often seen in yoni imbalances such as yeast infections and bacteria vaginosis. These washes are formulated with that in mind. Di Fu Zi works well internally and topically for gynecological pruritis (itching) and gives almost instant relief, making the healing process more tolerable when dealing with discomfort and disharmony.

For some women, there is accompanied dribbling and hot burning urination, which Di Fu Zi can also help clear out. As you see this herb can target many of the symptoms found with yoni imbalances and that’s exactly why it’s in both our yoni washes.

A hot burning sensation can be an indication of inflammation. Di Fui Zi’s (Fructus Kochiae, Kochia, Kochia Scoparia) main principle is saponin, Momordin Ic, which has been reported to protect against inflammation (1). Di Fu Zi has been used in China for more than 2000 years as a form of internal and topical treatment of skin, urinary, and eye diseases (1). Di Fu Zi has been used for inflammation due to evil heat, humidity, and wind, which could present as atopic dermatitis (1). Research has shown that Momordin Ic causes cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest within HaCaT Cells (1). In one study, the Momordin Ic treatment group was compared with blank control and DMSO treatment groups (1). HaCaT cells were treated with 25 μmol/L Momordin Ic for 48 hours and were examined for morphological and phenotype changes (1). The HaCaT cells in the Momordin Ic group were shrunk, the volume was reduced, and the number of dead cells increased. In addition to that, the Momordin Ic treatment significantly promoted cell apoptosis and caused S-phase arrest of cell cycles (1). It was also found that Momordin Ic treatment significantly decreased β-catenin, c-Myc, and VEGF mRNA and protein expression, compared with the blank control and DMSO treatment groups (1). The study showed that Di Fu Zi, Momordin Ic, could inhibit HaCaT cell proliferation and enhance cell apoptosis, it alters Wnt/β-catenin pathway activation (1). What this essentially means is that the properties found in Di Fu Zi may help stop facilitating the development of atopic dermatitis, and reduce inflammation.

In a second study, Di Fu Zi (Kochia, Kochia Scoparia, Kochiae Fructus) was investigated for the anti-inflammatory effects of external application (2). It was concluded that Di Fu Zi through water extract may be used for the treatment of contact dermatitis as an alternative therapy because of its ability to inhibit the production of several inflammatory mediators (2).

In a third study, the results suggested that Di Fu Zi (Kochiae Fructus) could be used as an antipruritogenic agent, and its inhibitory effect may be partially attributed to momordin Ic found in it (3). This means that Di Fu Zi can be used to help reduce and stop the itching of the vagina.

As these three studies suggest, Momordin Ic is found within the Chinese herb Di Fu Zi we can see that there are evidence-based studies to suggest the benefits of using Di Fu Zi as an alternative therapy, and therefore we found it important to include it in our formulation for our proprietary external/topical washes. Di Fu Zi will help relieve inflammatory conditions and stop itching as suggested in the studies. The Chinese medicine treatment benefits of Di Fu Zi can help clear heat (inflammation), resolve dampness (abnormal leukorrhea), and dispel wind (itching of the vulvae or genital area).


Study References:

1.     Luo, M., Zeng, B., Wang, H., Yang, Z., Peng, Y., Zhang, Y., & Wang, C. (2021). Kochia scopariaSaponin Momordin Ic Modulates HaCaT Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis via the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM2021, 5522164. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5522164

2.     Choi, Y. Y., Kim, M. H., Lee, J. Y., Hong, J., Kim, S. H., & Yang, W. M. (2014). Topical application of Kochia scoparia inhibits the development of contact dermatitis in mice. Journal of ethnopharmacology154(2), 380–385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2014.04.009

3.     Kubo, M., Matsuda, H., Dai, Y., Ido, Y., & Yoshikawa, M. (1997). Studies on Kochiae Fructus. I. Antipruritogenic effect of 70% ethanol extract from kochiae fructus and its active component. Yakugaku Zasshi: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan117(4), 193-201.

Website References

4. https://www.americandragon.com/Individualherbsupdate/DiFuZi.html

5. https://tcmwiki.com/wiki/di-fu-zi

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