Kuan Yin Apothecary Herbal Corner: Bo He

Herbal Corner: Bo He

Bo He | Methae haplocycis herba | Field Mint

Properties: acrid, aromatic, cooling. Enters lung and liver channels.

Bo He is found in our yoni wash yellow formula for its ability to soothe inflammation, clear heat, wind-heat and ease the many discomforts felt when there is a yellow-type condition. We formulated our yellow wash to provide an instant cooling sensation upon application.

Bo He is light and helps to lift spirits and support emotional stability. It has a soothing smell and helps calm the agitation and irritation often accompanying yoni imbalances.

The channels Bo He enters are key factors in why we use it in our yoni wash yellow formula. First, its relationship to the liver is two-fold. As mentioned the smell of Bo He clams emotions and the liver is the organ in TCM associated with the emotions often experienced when dealing with yoni imbalances. Irritation, frustration, agitation and even anger. It is very uncomfortable to experience many of the symtoms that come along with yoni imbalances. This is especially true when the imbalance is chronic. Second, the liver meridian or channel encircles the genitals and has a major influence on the yoni and menstruation. Since Bo He entered this meridian it directly affects the movement of stuck qi or energy in this area. In turn, this assistance helps speed up recovery time.

Bo He also enters the lung channel, which in TCM is associated with the skin. This is another reason Bo He is in our yoni wash yellow formula. Its ability to enter the skin helps treat the topical irritations of the skin in and around the yoni. It also assists in venting rashes and sores that may accompany yellow-type yoni imbalances, these sores may be herpes outbreaks, ingrown hairs, furuncles or carbuncles.

Bo He has been studied for its abilities to to kill bacteria, fungus and relieve itching. In one study it notes “These plants [menthol family] are known to exhibit biological activity in vitro and in vivo such as antibacterial, antifungal, antipruritic, anticancer and analgesic effects.” (Kamatou et al.,2013)

Bo He is a remarkable herb that is much more than just a garnish on an iced tea or mojito!

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